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ΕFA-Rainbow supports the right of the Catalan people to decide on their future and joins the EFA campaign "Catalonia decides"

Catalonia decides



Radio Macedonian Culture

A selection of Macedonian blogs in Greece

Aegean Macedonian Culture

Anti-macedonian policy during the elections for the European Parliament against Rainbow by the Greek state and the Greek mass media

A scandal by the Parliamentary committee

Greek TV stations sabotage EFA-Raibow

Ultra-nationalists want "borders with Serbia"!

"Hellenic Post" sabbotages EFA-Rainbow Campaign

Typical example of censorship of Rainbow

Attack of the Greek Neo-nazi party

A Greek - Macedonian dictionary by Vasko Karatza printed with the support of EFA - Rainbow
 Greek   Macedonian

D. Lithoxoou
"Extracts of Letters"

Τι έλεγε κάποτε το ΚΚΕ για τους Μακεδόνες

Denying Ethnic Identity:
The Macedonians of Greece, by Human Rights Watch

Linguistics and politics II:
Macedonian Language

Greece's stance towards
its Macedonian minority
and the neighbouring
Republic of Macedonia.

Lawed Arguments
and Omitted Truths

R. Nikovski: Memorandum to the European Parliament
Facts behind the Greek politics towards Macedonia

English  Macedonian

"Proposed disciplinary measures to stamp out the Macedonian minority in Greece by the National Security Service"

Center Maurits Coppieters
European Free Alliance
Federal Union of European Nationalities
Greek Helsinki Monitor
Greek Anti–Nationalistic Movement
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Macedonian Human Rights of Australia
OMO Ilinden - PIRIN
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Macedonian Forum for politics and history

Member of the European Free Alliance - European Political Party (EFA-EPP)
Member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN)

Stefanou Dragoumi 11 Τ.Κ. 53100 Τ.Θ. 51 Greece; Tel/fax 0030 23850 46548
Website:; E-mail:

EFA-Rainbow / MHRMI / AMHRC - Press Release

Blatant Greek Racism Broadcast: Greek MPs blaming ethnic Macedonians - Greek democrats as well as UN expert on private Greek TV channel ALTER, despite correct behavior of the journalist Mr. Hardavellas

Florina/Lerin - 20 March, 2009

Alter TV Lerin/Florina, Greece - "Simply raising the issue of the Macedonian minority in Greece causes Greek citizens and politicians alike to react in outrage.". This statement made by MHRMI was on full display on March 10 on Greek TV station "Alter" in an episode entitled "Invisible World".

EFA-Rainbow member and President of Greece’s EBLUL (European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages) Committee Nase Parisis, EFA-Rainbow member, Pavle Filipov Voskopoulos, and Greek Helsinki Monitor member Grigoris Valianatos represented the "non-existent minority" view, while New Democracy MP Iordanis Tzamtzis, PASOK MP Panagiotis Sgouridis, LAOS MP Athanasios Plevris, and professor of history Mixalis Chrisanthakopoulos exemplified the official Greek position of attacking minority rights activists rather than admitting their actual existence.

The show began with a conspiracy theory that anyone acknowledging Greece's human rights abuses against Macedonians and other minorities are "working against Greece." This was followed by claims that UN Minority Rights Expert Ms. Gay McDougall, who recently called on Greece to recognize its Macedonian and Turkish minorities, was "paid by Americans" and that UN Mediator Matthew Nimetz, "works for George Soros", who "creates minority problems".

The accusations of being "paid by Americans" then turned toward EFA-Rainbow members, followed by personal attacks against Macedonian minority activist Father Nikodim Tsarknias.

Emerging from the uproar caused by the mention of Macedonians were statements like "there is no Macedonian language" and "they are dangerous", referring to Macedonian political refugees, now in their 70's, who left Greece as children during the Greek Civil War and who were subsequently stripped of their citizenship.

The EFA-Rainbow and GHM members called for public education in the Macedonian language, for Greece to adhere to the European Court of Human Rights judgements against it, and for the recognition of the Macedonian and Turkish minority in Greece.

Pavle Filipov Voskopoulos stated on air, "We believe that the state should respect the rights of minorities ... we together with all the democrats of Greece must work together to fight for democracy and want to speak now to our people ... and to say dosta da se plasete ..." (Translated from Macedonian – “Stop being afraid…”)

The Macedonian language was broadcast on Greek national television. It exists.


Founded in 1995, EFA-Rainbow is the political party of the Macedonian minority in Greece and is a member of the European Free Alliance and the Federal Union of European Nationalities. For more information, please visit, or contact EFA-Rainbow at 0030 23850 46548, or

Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information, please visit, or contact MHRMI at 416-850-7125, or

Founded in 1984, the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) has been working towards achieving human rights for Macedonians and other oppressed minorities. For more information, please visit, or contact AMHRC at +61 3 9460 2910, or

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EFA-Rainbow Archives

Γιατί να ψηφίσω
την ΕΕΣ-Ουράνιο Τόξο

Click here
to read the Abecedar!

Promotion of the
Macedonian Language
Primer at the OSCE HDIM

English Greek Macedonian

Greek irredentism and expansionism officially sanctioned by the Greek Parliament
English Greek Macedonian

Letter to Carla del Ponte,
Chief Prosecutor for the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

English Greek Macedonian

The Yugoslavian Crisis
English Greek Macedonian

Document of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs

Related to the article - The obvious linguistic particularity - Eletherotypia, 18/11/2006

English   Greek

The ten Greek myths
on the “Macedonian issue”

By IOS team – Eletherotypia, 23/10/2005

Who says there are no
minority languages in Greece?

The "secret" census
in north Greece, in 1920

Map showing the Cultures and Languages in the E.U.

Council of Europe
Framework convention for the Protection of national minorities




Συνέντευξη: Ευάγγελος Κωφός, Έλληνας ιστορικός
Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας - Σκόπια είναι όνομα που εκφράζει την ταυτότητά σας

Greek   Macedonian

Ο Παύλος Φιλίποβ Βοσκόπουλος απαντά στον Ευάγγελο Κωφό.
«Το Μακεδονικό ζήτημα είναι η αχίλλειος πτέρνα του ελληνικού μύθου».

Greek   Macedonian
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