Minutes of the conference on linguistic diversity in Greece

Thessaloniki, November 15, 2002
this page in Greek
The conference on "Linguistic Diversity in Greece", organised
by the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL) together with
the Greek Member State Committee of EBLUL, took place the 15th November
2002 in the Hotel Capsis, in Thessaloniki. The conference started at 9
A.M. and finished at 8 P.M. Previous to the conference a fact-finding
mission of 3 experts took place; the conference was followed by a visit
to the areas where lesser-used languages are spoken.
Morning session: Results of the fact-finding mission
1. Opening speech by Mr Bojan Brezigar, President of the European
Bureau for Lesser Used Languages.
In his introduction the President of EBLUL, Mr Bojan Brezigar showed
his satisfaction with this first conference of EBLUL in Greece. Facing
enlargement, the EU has to find standards regarding lesser-used languages.
In the future all of the Balkans will be part of the European Union. There
will be no borders from Athens to Helsinki and all countries will have
the same currency. One of the advantages is a common currency and other
common standards. But not everything should be standardised. Europe is
full of diversity, where every village has its own church, museum and
above all language. It's not a melting pot like the United States and
Europeans want to preserve the diversity. They can accept a common currency
and other standardization, but not the same language, the same theatre
nor the same history. This is the reason why the European Institutions
defend the values expressed in the Charter for Fundamental Rights. The
preservation of cultural and linguistic diversity can make us accept the
standardization in all other domains. The European Union should give opportunities
to those who want to keep their own language. While a general promotion
and respect for lesser-used languages should be found, each regional or
minority language should - according to the European Charter for Regional
and Minority Languages of the Council of Europe - decide its way. The
situation in Greece is a bit different from the rest of Europe. The Balkans
has suffered from several wars apart from the two world wars. The European
Bureau for Lesser Used Languages has always been working with the governments
and not against the governments.
2. Welcoming speech by Mr Athanasios Parisis, president of the Greek
Mr Parisis stressed that within the EU there are 40 millions of lesser-used
language speakers. All Member States have lesser-used languages and Greece
is no exception in this regard, although some people like to think of
a monolingual Greece.
Education and Media are the most important fields for lesser-used languages
in Greece, and in relation to this Mr Parisis asked for the support of
the European Union, the Council of Europe and the European Bureau for
Lesser Used Languages. He also spoke about the troubled history of the
Balkans, with wars and consequently refugee problems. The history and
a long tradition have shaped the mentality of the Greek people. Parisis
urged for the support of the mass media for the different linguistic communities.
3. Presentation of the results of the fact-finding mission by Mr Gabriel
von Toggenburg, Mr Bela Tonkovic and Mr Domenico Morelli.
The fact-finding mission was composed of Mr Bela Tonkovic - Vice-president
of FUEN, Mr Domenico Morelli - President of the Italian MSC, Mr Gabriel
von Toggenburg - EURAC. Consultations took place with approximately 40
persons from the Macedonian and the Vlach languages communities. According
to Mr Toggenburg, psychological pressure with the interlocutors was obvious.
Many think they are the last generation being able to speak the minority
language and often they feel ashamed of their identity ("second class
citizens"). There are virtually no cultural organisations which expressis
verbis promote minority cultures and languages. This primary scope seems
often hidden. Some people were convinced, that the chances for a career
would be limited if the real lesser-used language identity is revealed.
1. People think diversity is getting lost;
2. Loyalty towards the Greek state is strong, but additional identity
is requested;
3. EU as a source of hope.
Mr von Toggenburg also pointed out that the situation is dire, there's
an enormous loss of identity. The languages are not represented in the
media. When Macedonian speakers tuned into to listen to the transmissions
of a Radio channel from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, a Greek
channel was placed on exactly the same frequency. Mr Tonkovic stressed
that the solution to all these problems should be found through dialogue.
Mr Morelli pointed out the strong belief in the European institutions.
The establishment of a Greek Member State Committee has given them hope.
4. Presentation by Mr Lampros Baltsiotis, lawyer, KEMO, Minority Languages
Research Centre.
Mr Baltsiotis explained first the reason for the centre, which lies in
the fact that so far the scientific voice was absent in Greece. Then he
focused on the historical development of lesser used languages in Greece
and the different treatments of the Greek states towards the language
groups. Baltsiotis also spoke about the conception of a Greek homeland,
about the motto of a Greek national state, but pointed out that Greece
has changed a lot in recent years.
A representative of the Turkish speaking community asked why his lesser-used
language community was not visited by the fact-finding mission.
Mr Brezigar added, that the fact-finding mission depended on geographical
5. Presentation by Mr Sotirios Bletsas, Vice-president of the Greek
Recent experience with media showed, that people who defend linguistic
diversity in Greece are looked upon with disapproval by the Greek authorities.
Nevertheless, now lesser-used languages have access to the media. To make
our presence known, we should send letters to famous people. This could
create an immense support. We should also aim for increased presence in
TV and Radio. Above all we should show the Greeks that learning lesser-used
languages is an asset. Bletsas stressed that with the presence of EBLUL
in Greece we could more easily carry out these things.
Comment by Mr Brezigar:
Mr Brezigar suggests preparing a draft project for the promotion of linguistic
diversity within the Expo 2008 in Thessaloniki. Regarding the Olympic
Games 2004 time seems to be running out. When people ask me why they should
learn a lesser-used language instead of English I used to give the basic
policy of Commissioner Reding as an answer; one language does not exclude
another, they should learn both. For instance Greeks could learn English
together with Macedonian. The teaching of regional or minority languages
could be improved together with Greek and an International Language.
Comment by Mr Baltsiotis:
Too often the lesser-used language speakers have to apologise for using
his mother tongue and not the official language of the state.
Comment by Ms Kata Kulavkova of PEN International:
Linguistic problems in this region are often closely linked to neighbour
Comment by Bojan Brezigar:
One of our main principles is that there should be no change of borders;
lesser-used languages should not have anything to do with the drawing
up of borders. Brezigar also gave his recognition for the good work that
PEN International has done in this field.
Afternoon session: Best practices in the promotion of lesser used
6. Presentation by Mr Peter Nelde, Professor at the Brussels Research
Centre on Multilingualism: Do lesser used languages need a common European
language policy?
Prof. Nelde explained the importance of a new overall and inclusive approach,
taking into consideration not only traditional languages but migrant languages
as well. The first problem language planners encounter is that the terminology
changes from a country to another. Nevertheless, it is certain, that the
future Europe will be a linguistically diverse and a multilingual one.
He mentioned seven aspects that affect language policy. The concept for
multilingualism is important. The future of Europe will be a multilingual
one. It's easy to tell how many official languages there are but more
difficult to estimate the number of lesser-used language speakers. Translation
and Interpretation, Nelde mentioned that translation and interpretation
costs are very low in comparison with other expenses. Globalisation, he
said that people are generally afraid of loosing their roots, even though
most are open to globalisation. Due to globalisation we have new identities.
Before you had Greeks, Germans, French etc, now new ones are challenging
these identities. Nelde mentioned the example of a person from Wemmel,
who in Brussels would call himself a Wemmelaar, in Flanders maybe Brusselaar,
in Wallonia he would present himself as a Fleming, outside Belgium as
a Belgian and in Japan perhaps as a European. Information Technology,
Nelde mentioned for instance that the Sorbs have used an IT-programme
to revitalise their language. He also said that the ideology of education
is important. There's a trend to teach English and French as foreign languages
in schools throughout Europe. There's seldom an education ideology of
neighbouring languages. Having International in Athens and Thessaloniki
does not tell anything about the education of lesser-used languages. Nelde
also pointed out that language education varies from country to country.
In Luxemburg most children learn 4 or 5 languages, but this is not at
all the case in the neighbouring countries. Finally he brought up the
topics of subsidiariety versus centralism and the concept of positive
discrimination. Nelde made a comparison of the centralism in France and
the decentralist structure of the German state. To illustrate the concept
of positive discrimination Nelde mentioned that lesser-used language communities
could be guaranteed special rights, for instance the Dutch teachers in
Brussels are more expensive than the French teachers.
7. Presentation by Mr Domenico Morelli, President of the Italian MSC:
A comparison of lesser-used language legislation in Greece and Italy.
Mr Morelli compared the history of the unitary states of Greece and Italy
and pointed out some fundamental similarities. In spite of the substantial
ethnic, linguistic and religious unity of the whole of the Italian peninsula
political unity was only reached in 1861. The Hellenic state was established
in 1830. The model both states had in mind goes back to the liberal idea
of a unitary state, which can be summarised in the phrase "one state,
one language, one culture". This policy has very much characterised
both Italy and Greece. Morelli mentioned that Italy imposed the Florentine
dialect as the only recognised national language to the detriment of all
other languages spoken. This linguistic policy was aggravated by fascism,
which waged a hard war of assimilation and destruction of the linguistic
minorities. The same model characterises the Greek state, where Greek
was declared official language and the existence of any other language
was ignored. Morelli pointed out that in Greece the national identity
drew a particular character from religion. The recognition of regional
or minority languages has been granted only thanks to international agreements
both in Greece and in Italy.
Morelli said that he hoped that the creation of Member State Committee
in Greece might be a helpful initiative for the recognition of the lesser-used
languages and their cultures. That recognition does not clash either with
the unitary nature of national States or with the process of construction
of the European Union, but it may encourage it. And this is shown by the
experience of trans-frontier relations. He stressed that trans-frontier
co-operation, in fact, has grown to strengthen cultural, social, linguistic
and economic ties beyond traditional frontiers. He mentioned the case
of the Griki in Apulia. Thanks to the Italian law of protection and to
their frequent and fertile relations with Greece they have worked out
a whole series of initiatives, going from exchange of teachers to twin-ships
between schools and to commercial and cultural exchanges. All this has
made the Griki community flourish again. It has been internationally acknowledged
that an action in favour of lesser-used languages guarantees peace and
stability of nations.
Morelli finally stressed that a common Europe may give us an opportunity
to strengthen a general regional or minority language protection policy.
The interest in regional or minority languages and cultures would become
a sign of pluralism and tolerance in a multicultural and multiethnic society.
8. Presentation by Mr Gabriel Von Toggenburg, researcher at the European
Academy: Chances and limits set by the EU.
The European Union is a newcomer in the area of regional or minority
language protection. There are positive and negative aspects. The Council
mainly represents the member state interest, which is usually reluctant
to changes, whereas the European Parliament is more in favour of regional
or minority languages. The resolutions of the European parliament are
not legally binding for the member states. The financial side is very
positive, the budget line for the safeguard for regional and minority
languages grew from € 100.000 when it started to € 4 million
last year, but it was finally put down because of the decision of the
European Court of Justice. Concerning the eastern enlargement, the Copenhagen
criteria are used in all negotiations for the protection of minorities.
There are however no legal obligations for the new member states concerning
regional or minority language legislation.
The common market could also be seen as a threat, it tends to realise
the mobility of workers, capital etc. Regional or minority language protection
tends to favour the preservation of things. It's rare under International
Public Law that in an international organisation, the languages of the
member states become official languages of the whole organisation.
It could be claimed that this linguistic diversity hampers the free market.
The ideal situation from a free market economy point of view would be
that all speak one language or that all speak all languages. The most
recent policy is that all should speak all languages, this is good for
linguistic diversity but does not really matter for regional or minority
languages. Since EU is a common market, if a member state wants to promote
it's own language, it risks infringing the common market. When it comes
to the labelling of products and the protection of the consumer, the European
Court of Justice has ruled that the label on the product only has to be
clear to the consumer, signs for instance could be used instead of languages.
A problem concerning EU intervention is the article 6 that claims that
EU can't demand that a member state is more diverse than itself. Culture
is also competence of the member states.
9. Presentation by Ms Marieke Sanders, Member of the European Parliament.
MEP Marieke Sanders said that one of the important tasks of the Inter-group
for Regional and Minority Languages in the European Parliament is to raise
awareness among fellow MEPs. She also noted that the discussion is quite
tense here in Greece when it comes to lesser-used languages. Sanders stressed
the importance of languages and said that being denied the right to speak
the language was social amputation. Governments should realise what they
do if they suppress lesser-used languages in the public domain. The European
Parliament can support linguistic diversity. The fact that there is not
any legal base for regional and minority languages is outrageous, according
to Sanders. She also pointed out that the European Parliament has demanded
special attention for lesser-used languages and demand a follow up to
the successful programme the European Year of Languages 2001. Sanders
mention the possibility of the EU to support lesser-used languages through
its budget, the parliament can help with structural funds and allocate
money for language teaching. The European Parliament should keep lesser-used
languages on the agenda. For Greece this means that the European Parliament
can help raise awareness. Sanders stressed that linguistic diversity is
an asset and a richness.
10. Presentation by Ms Teresa Condeço, Administrator at the
DG for Education and Culture at the European Commission.
Ms Condeço presented the Commission Working Document on the promotion
of language learning and linguistic diversity. The Commission Working
Document will be put soon on the official web site www.europa.eu.int and
will launch a public consultation on the promotion of language learning
and linguistic diversity.
Condeço also mentioned that the European Union action to promote
language learning through the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci programmes
alone is worth around 35 millions euros every year. She added that whilst
some support is available from the Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci
programmes, it should be investigated whether they could play a greater
part in promoting linguistic diversity by the funding of projects to improve
the quality of teaching of these languages.
The commission is also investigating possibilities to find more funding
Leonardo da Vinci and Sokrates and the other programmes of the EU. Condeço
also explained how the Commission could support projects promoting lesser-used
languages and integrate the projects into their programmes. She also said
that the Commission would like to hear what the language activists had
to say and hoped that they would present proposals. Condeço also
mentioned the debate on the future programmes that are going on right
11. Presentation by Ms Regina Jensdottir, Administrator of the Charter
for Regional and Minority Languages at the Council of Europe.
Ms Regina Jensdottir gave a brief presentation of what the Council of
Europe can do for the promotion of regional and minority languages. She
mentioned the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
and the Charter for Regional and Minority Languages. The Charter protects
the historical regional and minority languages in Europe that are different
from the official languages of the state, it does not include dialects
nor the languages of immigrants. There is a risk that some of these regional
or minority languages may become extinct in the near future. She underlined
that the Charter is clear on the fact that regional or minority languages
should not be protected at the detriment of the official language of the
State. The Council of Europe is also encouraging the use of regional and
minority languages in the field education.
Comment by Gabriel von Toggenburg:
Gabriel von Toggenburg pointed out that article 22 is not a legal basis
and that there could never be a legal act based on this article, but there
are other articles that could function as a legal basis. He stressed that
when the EU is acting in other fields than culture it has to respect diversity.
Von Toggenburg also asked what happens after enlargement of the European
Union when the accession criteria disappear? Could a new mechanism {for
regional or minority language protection} be established?
Marieke Sanders answered that in the convention they strive to change
the decision-making on culture from unanimity to majority voting, but
also stressed that there are certain risks with majority voting as well.
Concerning the problems related to enlargement she answered that the debate
is still going on and there are no final proposals yet how to solve the
12. Mr Tonkovic forwarded a greeting from the Federal Union of European
13. Concluding remarks and thank you speeches by Mr Brezigar and Mr
Mr Brezigar and Mr Parisis stressed in their speeches of thanks the importance
of the conference for the promotion of lesser-used languages in Greece.
They both noted that the conference was well organised and thanked the
speakers and the participants for their valuable contribution.