
Member of the European Free Alliance - European Political Party
Member of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN)
Stefanou Dragoumi 11 Τ.Κ. 53100 Τ.Θ. 51 Greece; Tel/fax 0030
23850 46548
www.florina.org; E-mail:

Letter to the Minister of Education, K. Gavroglou.
Florina/Лерин, 2 February, 2019

To: Rt Honourable Mr. Gavriloglou
Your Excellency,
We, members of the Central Council and of the Political
Secretariat of EFA-Rainbow (Ouranio Toxo), are writing to you,
the Minister of Education, to inform you of our party’s
resolution on the subject of meeting the Education Minister,
which was passed on the last party conference (held on 11th
November 2018), and we hereby take this opportunity to make this
request formally to you. We would be most honoured to attend a
working meeting with you, on a date that serves you, to discuss
issues related to the introduction of Modern Macedonian language
in state education, in the areas of the country where it is
This comes in a line of similar requests put forward to previous
governments’ Education Ministers, none of which, we are
disappointed to say, getting a response from the Ministry. In
requesting once again a meeting, we believe we are being
consistent with and fully committed to the principle of sincere
and open dialogue. We are hopeful this time round, as your
government, and you personally, have shown evidence of
willingness to approach head on chronic issues that concern
Greek society, and have been quite effective in solving some of
them. In this context, we hope for your positive response to
this call.
Anticipating and hoping for your positive response, we would
like to express our advance gratitude.
The Central Council of the EFA-Rainbow