Following the adoption of a report on Macedonia's progress towards EU membership by the EP Foreign Affairs Committee today, which included a Green amendment (1) underlining that Macedonia should be recognised by its constitutional name, German Green MEP Angelika Beer said:
"The EP has today taken a clear stance in the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece, stating that Macedonia should be recognised by its constitutional name. This marks the first time that an EU institution has taken a clear position on this issue. Greece must overcome its irrational fears with regards to the recognition of Macedonia's name as a matter of urgency and stop standing in the way of its smaller neighbour's path towards EU membership."
Editors note:
(1) The amendment (No. 80) adopted by the AFET committee is as follows:
'Points out, in this respect, that important countries such as the USA, the Russian Federation and China, as well as certain EU Member States, have already recognised Macedonia by its constitutional name, and takes the view that the name issue must in no way be used as an obstacle to the opening of negotiations and EU accession.'
Richard More O' Ferrall,
Press and Communications Officer,
The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
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