Greek Member State Committee of the
European Bureau of Lesser-Used
Languages (EBLUL)
Press Release on the Name Issue by Matthew Nimitz
April 17, 2005
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European Bureau for Lesser
Used Languages
Bureau europeen pour les langues moins repandues
Greek Member State Committee of EBLUL |
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Regarding the detailed written proposal (published in "Eleftherotypia" April
13, 2005) of United Nations Special Envoy, Matthew Nimitz,
on the name dispute between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia. The
Greek Member
State Committee of the European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages
(EBLUL) would like to note the following:
It was quite reasonable to see Mr. Nimitz suggesting to both countries
that they should "...take under strong consideration the internationally
acknowledged conventions and exercised practices on the use
of toponyms in other states and to start -- in good faith -- bilateral
talks regarding
this issue, including the use of properly specified toponyms..."
EBLUL, as an entity which was established to protect and enhance the
use of minority languages in all European Union (E.U.) member states,
hopes that the above-mentioned (for Greece in particular) will encourage
the Greek government to adopt these conventions and practices and apply
them inside the country's territory as well. Especially to regions with
a strong presence of lesser-used languages.
In other words, this should lead to total disincrimination of their
use, as well as introducing bilingual signs, where the older (Macedonian,
Turkish, Pomak, Vlach or other) toponym will be jointly indicated with
the Greek one. These names have been widely used by the indigenous inhabitants
for centuries in several regions of Greece but unfortunately they are
under persecution by the official Greek state. An attitude that is fully
incompliant with the laws and rules followed both inside and outside
the E.U.
Such a development will initially help these languages -- a priceless
cultural element not only for the country but for the Balkans as well
-- to survive and subsequently will facilitate their introduction into
the educational system and their systematic transcription.
Towards this direction, another abstract of the Nimitz proposal seems
quite contradictive to the prior and not exactly contributory.
"...The people living in Greek Macedonia are commonly self-identifying
themselves as Greek Macedonians -- with the Greek regional
and cultural meaning of the term -- and such identifications should
be used and respected. "
Needless to say that in the geographical part of Macedonia that nowadays
belongs to Greece, live also indigenous people who self-identify themselves
differently and speak as mother tongue a language (Macedonian) that
EBLUL for many years now has included among the lesser-used within the
E.U. Therefore, it is evident that the linguistic and cultural diversity
of the region should also be respected and cannot be "bulldozed" because
of political generalizations.
The GMSC of EBLUL has no authority nor, of course, wishes to judge
the Nimitz proposal as a whole. Nevertheless, it considers as "sine-qua-non" that
the call to both involved parties for bilateral use of the internationally
valid and accepted rules in the issues of toponyms, language and cultural
heritage, should be primarily followed inside each one's borders.
Athanasios Parisis
President of the GMSC of EBLUL