The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN)
Asks the
Greek Prime Minister to Ensure the
Security of
the Rainbow Congress

May 21, 2004
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PL-Kamien Slaski 21st May 2004
To the Prime Minister of Greece
Mr. Konstandinos Karamanlis
Megaro Maximou
Dear Mr. Karamanlis,
The Federal Union of European Nationalities is an independent union
of the organisations of national minorities in Europe, which was established
in 1949 - at the time when the Council of Europe was set up in Versailles,
According to its statutes, the Federal Union of European Nationalities
serves the autochthonous groups in Europe and pursues the goal of preserving
their language, culture and the history of national minorities. This
objective is pursued only by peaceful means. It decisively takes a stand
against separatism and the violent moving of national borders, and works
towards a neighbourly, peaceful coexistence of majority and minority
in one state or region.
In recognition of its efforts towards attaining protection for European
minorities, the FUEN obtained consultative status to the Council of
Europe in 1989 and a consultative status to the United Nations (UN)
in 1995. It is also represented at OSCE (the former CSCE) conferences
concerning national minorities and ethnic groups.
Today, FUEN numbers 76 member organisations from 32 states (as of 2004-05-21).
About half of its members come from Central and Eastern Europe. Among
this large number of members also the Macedonian minority in Greece
is represented by RAINBOW-OURANIO TOXO.
On behalf of the president of the FUEN, Mr. Romedi Arquint, I take
the opportunity to ask you whether it would be possible for you to take
security measures in the context of the first Congress of the Rainbow-Vinozhito
party to be held in Thessaloniki (Solun) on May 30.
Mr. Bela TONKOVIC - Vice-President of FUEN will represent FUEN.
Last November the Rainbow-Vinozhito congress, which was to be held
in Edessa (Voden), had to be cancelled twice due to intimidation
from Greek Neo-Nazi and ultra right extremist groups such as Golden
and Greek Patriotic Front - Elliniko Patriotioko Metopo.
Bearing in mind that you are elected in March I wish you all
the best in your governmental obligation and we hope that
your implemented policy will cause positive results for all
Greek citizens.
Within the framework of your policy we hope that you also will include
all political initiatives for the improvement of the protection of minority
rights in Greece.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours respectfully,
Frank Nickelsen
FUEN-Secretary General
Romedi Arquint
Chapella / Susauna
CH - 7526 Cinuos-chel
Schiffbrucke 41
D-24939 Flensburg
Tel: 0049-461-12855
Fax: 0049-461-180709