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ΕFA-Rainbow supports the right of the Catalan people to decide on their future and joins the EFA campaign "Catalonia decides"

Catalonia decides



Radio Macedonian Culture

A selection of Macedonian blogs in Greece

Aegean Macedonian Culture

Anti-macedonian policy during the elections for the European Parliament against Rainbow by the Greek state and the Greek mass media

A scandal by the Parliamentary committee

Greek TV stations sabotage EFA-Raibow

Ultra-nationalists want "borders with Serbia"!

"Hellenic Post" sabbotages EFA-Rainbow Campaign

Typical example of censorship of Rainbow

Attack of the Greek Neo-nazi party

A Greek - Macedonian dictionary by Vasko Karatza printed with the support of EFA - Rainbow
 Greek   Macedonian

D. Lithoxoou
"Extracts of Letters"

Τι έλεγε κάποτε το ΚΚΕ για τους Μακεδόνες

Denying Ethnic Identity:
The Macedonians of Greece, by Human Rights Watch

Linguistics and politics II:
Macedonian Language

Greece's stance towards
its Macedonian minority
and the neighbouring
Republic of Macedonia.

Lawed Arguments
and Omitted Truths

R. Nikovski: Memorandum to the European Parliament
Facts behind the Greek politics towards Macedonia

English  Macedonian

"Proposed disciplinary measures to stamp out the Macedonian minority in Greece by the National Security Service"

Center Maurits Coppieters
European Free Alliance
Federal Union of European Nationalities
Greek Helsinki Monitor
Greek Anti–Nationalistic Movement
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Macedonian Human Rights of Australia
OMO Ilinden - PIRIN
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Macedonian Forum for politics and history

European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
Third Report on Greece


Full Report on Greece - English Full Report on Greece - Greek
Full Report on Greece - English Full Report on Greece - Greek

Executive summary

Since ECRI's second report on Greece was published in June 2000, progress has been made in a number of areas covered by the report. For example, the Ombudsman and the National Committee on Human Rights have contributed to the fight against racism and intolerance in Greece. Measures have been taken to combat the traffic in human beings. The Greek authorities have taken a stance against racism and for a multicultural society, particularly by reinforcing the network of intercultural schools. Progress is noted in the exercise of the religious freedom of minority religious groups. An integrated action programme aims to better the day-to-day life of the Roma. Equal opportunities programmes regarding access to education and employment have been planned for the Muslim minority in Western Thrace. Lastly, the situation of immigrants in Greece has been the focus of two legalisation procedures.

However, many of the recommendations contained in ECRI's second report have not, or not fully, been implemented. There remain stereotypes, prejudices and incidences of discrimination targeting members of minority groups, particularly the Roma community and minority religious groups, as well as against immigrants. Criminal law is not enforced to a sufficient extent to curb racist acts, and existing civil and administrative law provisions are insufficient to effectively prohibit discrimination. The position of the Muslim minority in Western Thrace should improve further. The situation of immigrants is a long way from being completely legalised, and there is still no comprehensive, targeted integration policy on immigration. The measures taken at national level to combat racism and intolerance are not always replicated at the local level.

In the current report, ECRI makes a series of recommendations to the Greek authorities. Specifically, it recommends that a number of international instruments of relevance to the fight against racism and intolerance be ratified. ECRI recommends that the Greek authorities strengthen legal provisions and their implementation in criminal, civil and administrative law to fight against racism and racial discrimination, and set up a specialised body to combat racism and racial discrimination. ECRI recommends to the Greek authorities to intensify their efforts to improve the situation of Roma, particularly in respect of housing, employment and education. It encourages the authorities to continue their efforts to improve the situation of members of other minority groups, including the Muslim minority in Western Thrace, the Macedonian community, the minority religious groups, as well as immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. ECRI recommends continuing efforts to raise the awareness of civil servants, the general public and the media about human rights and the problem of racism and intolerance. Lastly, ECRI recommends legalising the situation of immigrants in Greece and strengthening policies aimed at their integration



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Γιατί να ψηφίσω
την ΕΕΣ-Ουράνιο Τόξο

Click here
to read the Abecedar!

Promotion of the
Macedonian Language
Primer at the OSCE HDIM

English Greek Macedonian

Greek irredentism and expansionism officially sanctioned by the Greek Parliament
English Greek Macedonian

Letter to Carla del Ponte,
Chief Prosecutor for the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

English Greek Macedonian

The Yugoslavian Crisis
English Greek Macedonian

Document of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs

Related to the article - The obvious linguistic particularity - Eletherotypia, 18/11/2006

English   Greek

The ten Greek myths
on the “Macedonian issue”

By IOS team – Eletherotypia, 23/10/2005

Who says there are no
minority languages in Greece?

The "secret" census
in north Greece, in 1920

Map showing the Cultures and Languages in the E.U.

Council of Europe
Framework convention for the Protection of national minorities




Συνέντευξη: Ευάγγελος Κωφός, Έλληνας ιστορικός
Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας - Σκόπια είναι όνομα που εκφράζει την ταυτότητά σας

Greek   Macedonian

Ο Παύλος Φιλίποβ Βοσκόπουλος απαντά στον Ευάγγελο Κωφό.
«Το Μακεδονικό ζήτημα είναι η αχίλλειος πτέρνα του ελληνικού μύθου».

Greek   Macedonian
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