Produced by the Government of Sweden
this page in Macedonian
In this book, 25 people from various parts of the world tell us about their work to promote human rights. They all have different experiences. Some fight a constant battle, not infrequently putting their own liberty or life at stake. Others have an acknowledged standing internationally or in the countries in which they work. But one thing unites them: a deep and personal commitment to human rights.
Please visit http://www.si.se/eng/human.html to visit this human rights presentation by the Swedish government to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Towards the bottom of the page in alphabetical order is an article from Pavlos Voskopoulos of the RAINBOW party entitled The Principle of Non-Discrimination.
You can view the .pdf file directly by going to http://www.si.se/eng/hrm24.pdf