Visit the FUEN Site Visit the EFA Site Political Party of the Macedonian Minority in Greece



All three names……………………………………………………………………….

EGN…………………….; living in ………………………………………………….    

…………….;Home telephone ………………………;  Mobile telephone……………
Regarding the made questions I give these answers:
1. Is he aware that his/her name is included in the founder list of the newly constituted party OMO Ilinden PIRIN? ……………………………………………………………

2. Did he submit a personal written application for membership of this party, according to art. 10 of the Party Constitution, on what date and to whom did he give the application? Who is his guarantee for the acceptance from the members of the local section?
3. Was he present /on what date/ at the General assembly of the local section /or in which closest one did it happen according to art. 12 of the Party Constitution/, was his acceptance voted?
4. Is he familiar with the program and constitution of the newly constituted party OMO Ilinden PIRIN?
5. Is he a member of another political party, if yes in which one?

6. Did he/she give personal data to another person /which one/ to be included in this party or another party /organization/?

7. For the inclusion as a founder, member or sympathizer, was he given /or promised/ any compensation, if yes from whom and what compensation?

8. Was he abroad permanently in the period from 01.06.2006 till 25.09.2006?

9. If the person indicates that he is included as a sympathizer in the local section on the newly constituted party OMO Ilinden PIRIN /according to art.19 of the Party Constitution/ to indicate whether he filled the relevant form and declaration personally and whether he knows if he is registered as such.


I wrote personally the above and with my signature vouch its veracity.

Date ………………2006 Signature ……………………

City ……………………


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